View Procedure

Procedure NameProcedure for Export of Plants, Seeds of Forest Trees Species and Other Forest Produce.



Responsible Agency       

Forest Department

Address: ‘Sampathpaya', 82, Rajamalwatta Road, Battaramulla

Legal base of the Procedure

Forest Conservation Ordinance





Provide the details of the applicant.


Provide the details on the nursery.


Details of the products to be exported.


Details on where the product was taken from.


Provide details on the warehouse where the product is stored. 

6 Provide the details on the Country of Destination, Recipient details and the purpose of the export.
7 Provide the details of the shipment and the expected date of export.
8 Phytosanitary Certificate 


Required Documents

No. Type of Documents
1 Duly filed application.

Process Steps

Step 1

Submit a duly filled application form to the head office of the Forest Department.

Step 2

The application is reviewed and processed by the Forest Department and if its not complete the applicant is informed. 

Step 3

Forest Department issues the permit upon receipt of all the relevant details.



The following form/s are used in this procedure
TitleDescriptionCreated DateUpdated DateIssued By
It is a legal requirement under the Forest Ordinance to obtain a permit from the Forest Department in order to export any forest produce.16-02-201816-02-2018Forest DepartmentThis is Dowload File
Statement of the applicant regarding the export of terrestrial and aquatic plants, their parts and products that produced from export nurseries registered in the Forest Department29-06-201829-06-2018Forest DepartmentThis is Dowload File
This procedure applies to the following measures
NameMeasure TypeAgencyDescriptionCommentsLegal DocumentValidity ToMeasure Class
Application for Export of Plants, Seeds of Forest Trees Species and Other Forest ProducePermit RequirementForest DepartmentIt is a legal requirement under the Forest Ordinance to obtain a permit from the Forest Department in order to export any forest produce. These permits are issued from the Forest Department Head Office during weekdays.Forest Conservation Ordinance31-12-9999Good